Nebojsa Tower Attraction

Belgrade Attractions - Nebojsa Tower from the list Belgrade Attractions is located at the Lower Town of Belgrade Fortress, at the entrance of the former Dunav port and one of the most famous towers. During the Ottoman rule in it the Greek revolutionary Riga Fere was executed. The name comes from the negation of the verb to be afraid. With this name it has become a tower that is not afraid of any opponent or attack, it has become impregnable. Often people mistakenly call it Nebojsa’s tower, however this is incorrect and has a completely different meaning. At the time of Despot Stefan Nebojsa Tower was a Donjon tower of Belgrade fortress, and it is theorised that it looked like the Despot Tower of the Manasija monastery. There is a legend that the tower as impregnable, after the Turks conquered Belgrade Fortress, soared into the air and flew down to the Lower city in order to remain out of their reach and stay unconquered. There is no evidence to prove it has been conquered and historically Nebojsa Tower has never been under Turkish rule. This is why Nebojsa Tower is a witness and testimony of invincibility and disobedience to the turkish reign. First names of Nebojsa Tower were White and Timisoara tower, and its present name was given in the 17th century. The original Nebojsa Tower was destroyed along with a small town in a gunpowder explosion, and the name Nebojsa was given to the tower on the dock. Octagonal in shape with thick walls, located on four floors and a ground floor with a total height of 22m. On all sides and all floors there are openings for cannons used by the crew to defend the Belgrade fortress from invaders from all directions. At first, the top of the tower was flat with a battlement and forward wooden consoles for attacking the enemy. During the reconstruction of the Belgrade fortress by the Austrians in the 18th century, the top of the tower was replaced by a roof structure that still exists today.

Znamenitosti Beograd - Kula Nebojša sa liste Znamenitosti Beograd nalazi se na Donjem gradu Beogradske tvrdjave, na ulazu nekadašnjeg Dunavskog pristaništa, a jedna je od najpoznatijih kula. Tokom trajanja turske vladavine u kuli sa liste Znamenitosti Beograd je pogubljen grčki revolucionar Riga od Fere. Naziv je dobila od negacije glagola bojati se. Time postala je kula koja se ne boji ni jednog protivnika niti napada, postala je neosvojiva. Neretko je ljudi pogrešno nazivaju Nebojšinom kulom, medjutim to je neispravno i ima potpuno drugačije značenje. U doba despota Stefana kula nebojša bila je Donžon kula beogradske tvrdjave, i smatra se da je izgledala kao Despotova kula manastira Manasija. Postoji legenda da se kula kao Neosvojiva, nakon što su Turci osvojili Beogradsku tvrdjavu, vinula u vazduh i odletela u Donji grad kako bi ostala van njihovog domašaja kako je nikada ne bi osvojili. Ne postoji podatak i istorijski gledano Kula Nebojša nikada nije bila pod turskom vlašću. Upravo zbog toga Kula nebojša je svedok nepobedivosti i nepokornosti. Prvi nazivi Kule Nebojša su bili Bela i Temišvarska kula, a svoj današnji naziv dobila je u 17. veku. Prvobitna kula nebojša uništena je zajedno sa Malim Gradom u barutnoj eksploziji, a naziv Nebojša prešao je na kulu u pristaništu. Oktogonog je oblika sa debelim zidovima, prostire se na četiri sprata i prizemlje sa ukupnom visinom od 22m. Na svim stranama i svim spratovima postoje otvori za topove koje je posada koristila da odbrani beogradsku tvrdjavu od napadača iz svih pravaca. Ranije je vrh kule bio ravan sa grudobranom i isturenim drvenim konzolama za dejstvo po neprijatelju. Tokom obnove Beogradske tvrdjave sprovodjene od strane Austrijanaca, u 18. veku, vrh kule je zamenjen krovnom konstrukcijom koja i dan danas postoji. Kulu Nebojša izgradili su Ugari 1460. godine da bi zaštitili prilaz Dunavskom pristaništu i samo pristanište od Turaka. Prilikom osvajanja Beograda 1521. godine turci su prodrli u Donji grad tek nakon što su uspeli da osvoje kulu Nebojša time što su je porušili teškim artiljerijskim napadima.

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Nebojšina kula
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