Hardcorner Fest

15th September
The store is proud to present the first HARDCORNER fest! The slogan of this and all future ones is "no headliners, no support bands". Which would mean that there will be no playing schedule until right before the start of the concert. And the schedule will be determined by lottery. All bands will have equal conditions and playing time. It's no use asking friends who play in bands, they won't know either. So you come to the beginning and stay until the end so you don't miss your favorite band. The price of the ticket is 700 dinars and will be sold on the day of the concert at the entrance of the Zappa barge.

Dućan vam sa ponosom predstavlja prvi HARDCORNER fest! Slogan ovog a i svih budućih je “no headliners, no support bands”. Što bi značilo da neće biti rasporeda sviranje do pred sam početak koncerta. A raspored će se utvrdjivati lutrijom. Svi bendovi će imati podjednake uslove i vreme za sviranje. Džaba pitate drugare koji sviraju po bendovima, neće ni oni znati. Tako da dodješ na početak i istaneš do kraja kako ne bi propustio svoj omiljeni bend. Cena karte je 700 dinara i prodavaće se na dan koncerta na ulazu Zappa barke.

see location here : link

Hardcorner Fest, Belgrade
copyright @ 2023 belgradelive.net all rights reserved.