Europian Film Festival

European Film Festival 2023 in Belgrade

The European Film Festival 2023 will be held in the Culture Center "Vlada Divljan" (Cultural Institution "Palilula") from September 18 to 23. Free tickets for this festival will be distributed in this institution from Thursday, September 14. In the small cinema hall of the Center, interested parties will be able to watch ten films of recent European production, most of which will not be in the regular cinema repertoire. It is worth mentioning that most of the films were awarded at national or well-known European festivals.

Monday, September 18, 2023

• 17.00... Murina Croatia, Slovenia; 2021 (92′), feature film R: Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović Tensions rise between restless teenager Julia and her oppressive father Ant when an old family friend arrives at their home on a Croatian island. As Ante tries to strike a deal that will change their lives, their peaceful but isolated existence prompts Julia to want more from this influential visitor, who gives her a sense of freedom during a weekend stripped of violence. The film won the Golden Camera Award at the Cannes Film Festival, as well as the Best Balkan Film Award at the Sofia International Film Festival.

• 20.00... Imad's childhood / Imads barndom Sweden, Iraq, Latvia; 2021 (78′), documentary film R: Zahavi Sanjavi After two and a half years in ISIS captivity, Imad, his younger brother Idan, and their mother, Ghazala, were released to a displaced persons camp in Kurdistan. Healing from trauma is difficult for all of them, but Imad seems to be having a particularly difficult time. Not yet five years old, he has already spent more than half his life enduring terror, abuse and "training" that was supposed to make him heartless. The film won the Golden Apricot at the International Film Festival in Yerevan, as well as the award for the best documentary film at the Tempo International Documentary Film Festival.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023. FOR DŽ - free - vignette (illustration author: Aleksandra Prhal)

• 17.00... Io hundred bene Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany, Italy; 2020 (100′), drama R: Donato Rotunno Antonio spent his whole life away from Italy, his homeland. He meets Lea, a young Italian artist who is trying to break through abroad. The destinies of the old man and the young woman are intertwined. Memories from the past awaken and eventually offer them a more peaceful future.

• 20.00... Krat/Kratt Estonia; 2021 (107′), comedy R: Rasmus Merivoo Children are left to their grandmothers without smartphones. Real life seems boring until they find instructions for Kratos - a magical creature that will do whatever its master tells it to. All they have to do now is buy a soul from the devil. The film won the award for the best leading actress at the Film and TV Festival in Estonia.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

• 17.00... Luxemburg, Luxemburg / Lyuksemburh, Lyuksemburh Ukraine; 2022 (105′), comedy R: Antonio Lukich Kolya and Vasilij set out in search of their father, who abandoned them when they were children, after they learn that he is dying in Luxembourg. For Kolya, he is a hero, while Vasilij thinks their father is a scoundrel. The film won an award in the Orizzonti program at the Venice International Film Festival, as well as an award in the Contemporary World program at the Toronto International Film Festival.

• 20.00... Mikado / Morocco Romania, Czech Republic; 2021 (96′), drama R: Emmanuel Parvo One day, teenage Magda offers her expensive necklace to a sick child at the hospital she volunteers for - her father is sure she's lying to him again. When she proves her innocence, he is ashamed but unable to admit that he was wrong, further complicating their relationship. The film won an award at the Bucharest Film Festival.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

• 17.00... Miss Viborg Denmark; 2022 (100′), feature film Director: Marianne Blicher In a small Danish town, we meet two generations of women, Solvay, a 61-year-old former beauty queen, and rebellious 17-year-old Kate. Their encounter sparks an unexpected friendship, while wounds from the past are revealed and seeds of hope are planted. The film won Best Nordic/Dutch Film at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival.

• 20.00... Mitra The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark; 2020 (107′), drama R: Kaweh Modiri 37 years after her daughter was executed in Iran, Haleh finds the woman who betrayed her. The traitor, now a beloved mother herself, has just arrived in Holland, does not recognize Haleh and trusts her as an older and wiser countrywoman. As Haleh plots her revenge, she gets to know the perpetrator better than she would have liked. The film won the Eurimages prize for co-production development (CineMart).

Friday, September 22, 2023

• 17.00... My Grandfather's Demons / Os demonios do meu avô Portugal, Spain, France; 2022 (83′), animated film R: Nuno Beato Rosa is a successful designer living in a big city. After the unexpected death of her grandfather, she realizes that since she left her homeland, she didn't feel connected or loved, so she returns to her native village, on the border between northern Portugal and Spanish Galicia.

• 20.00... Ramona Spain; 2022 (80′), comedy R: Andrea Bagney When Ramona meets the charismatic Bruno on one of her walks around town, it never occurs to her that she might meet him again the next day. Will an innocent flirt get in the way of her career dreams and the perfect relationship she has with her boyfriend? A refreshing romantic comedy that sets the scene for the eternal feud between reason and sensibility.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

• 20.00... Runner / Trkač / Bėgikė Lithuania, Czech Republic; 2021, drama R: Andrius Blazevicius Maria (27) is on a frantic search for her boyfriend who disappeared during his last psychotic episode. Armed with patience and love, she follows random tracks through the city. A story about sacrifice and achieving complete freedom...

Festival evropskog filma 2023 u Beogradu

U Centru za kulturu „Vlada Divljan“ (Ustanova kulture „Palilula“) od 18. do 23. septembra biće održan Festival evropskog filma 2023. Besplatne ulaznice za ovaj festival deliće se u ovoj instituciji od četvrtka, 14. septembra. U maloj bioskopskoj sali Centra zainteresovani će moći da pogledaju desetak filmova novije evropske produkcije od kojih većina neće biti na redovnim bioskopskim repertoarima. Vredi pomenuti da je većina filmova nagrađena na nacionalnim ili poznatim evropskim festivalima.

Ponedeljak, 18. septembar 2023.

• 17.00… Murina Hrvatska, Slovenija; 2021. (92′), igrani film R: Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović Tenzije rastu između nemirne tinejdžerke Julije i njenog opresivnog oca Anta kada stari porodični prijatelj stigne u njihov dom na hrvatskom ostrvu. Dok Ante pokušava da postigne dogovor koji će im promeniti život, njihova mirna, ali izolovana egzistencija podstiče Juliju da želi više od ovog uticajnog posetioca, koji joj pruža osećaj slobode tokom vikenda ogoljenog nasiljem. Film je osvojio nagradu Zlatna kamera na festivalu u Kanu, kao i nagradu za najbolji balkanski film na Međunarodnom filmskom festival u Sofiji.

• 20.00… Imadovo detinjstvo / Imads barndom Švedska, Irak, Letonija; 2021. (78′), dokumentarni film R: Zahavi Sanjavi Posle dve i po godine u zatočeništvu u ISIS-u, Imad, njegov mlađi brat Idan i njihova majka Gazala pušteni su u kamp za raseljena lica u Kurdistanu. Izlečenje od traume je teško za sve njih, ali izgleda da Imad ima posebno težak period. Još nema pet godina, a već je proveo više od pola svog života trpeći teror, zlostavljanje i „trening“ koji je trebalo da ga učini bezdušnim. Film je osvojio Zlatnu kajsiju na Međunarodnom filmskom festivalau u Jerevanu, kao i nagradu za najbolji dokumentarni film na Međunarodnom festivalu dokumentarnog filma Tempo.

Utorak, 19. septembar 2023.ZA DŽ - besplatno - vinjeta (autor ilustracije: Aleksandra Prhal)

• 17.00… Io sto bene Luksemburg, Belgija, Nemačka, Italija; 2020. (100′), drama R: Donato Rotunno Antonio je ceo svoj život proveo daleko od Italije, svoje domovine. Upoznaje Leu, mladu italijansku umetnicu koja pokušava da se probije u inostranstvu. Sudbine starca i mlade žene se prepliću. Sećanja iz prošlosti se bude i na kraju nude im mirniju budućnost.

• 20.00… Krat/Kratt Estonija; 2021 (107′), komedija R: Rasmus Merivoo Deca su prepuštena baki bez pametnih telefona. Stvarni život izgleda dosadno dok ne pronađu uputstva za Krata – magično stvorenje koje će učiniti sve što mu gospodar kaže. Sve što sada treba da urade je da kupe dušu od đavola. Film je osvojio nagradu za najbolju glavnu glumicu na Filmskom i TV festival u Estoniji.

Sreda, 20. septembar 2023.

• 17.00… Luksemburg, Luksemburg / Lyuksemburh, Lyuksemburh Ukrajina; 2022. (105′), komedija R: Antonio Lukich Kolja i Vasilij kreću u potragu za ocem koji ih je napustio kada su bili deca, nakon što saznaju da on umire u Luksemburgu. Za Kolju, on je heroj, dok Vasilij misli da je njihov otac nitkov. Film je osvojio nagradu u okviru programske celine Orizzonti na Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Veneciji, kao i nagradu u okviru programske celine Savremeni svet na Međunarodnom filmskom festival u Torontu.

• 20.00… Mikado / Marocco Rumunija, Češka; 2021. (96′), drama R: Emanuel Parvu Jednog dana, tinejdžerka Magda nudi svoju skupu ogrlicu bolesnom detetu u bolnici za koju volontira – njen otac je siguran da ga ona ponovo laže. Kada ona dokaže svoju nevinost, on je postiđen, ali nije sposoban da prizna da je pogrešio, što njihov odnos dodatno komplikuje. Film je osvojio nagradu na Filmskom festivalu u Bukureštu.

Četvrtak, 21. septembar 2023.

• 17.00… Miss Viborg Danska; 2022 (100′), igrani film R: Marianne Blicher U malom danskom gradu srećemo dve generacije žena, Solvej, 61-godišnja bivša kraljica lepote, i buntovna 17-godišnja Kejt. Njihov susret izaziva neočekivano prijateljstvo, dok se rane prošlosti otkrivaju i seje seme nade. Film je osvojio nagradu za najbolji nordijski/holandski film na Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Santa Barbari.

• 20.00… Mitra Holandija, Nemačka, Danska; 2020 (107′), drama R: Kaweh Modiri 37 godina nakon što je njena ćerka pogubljena u Iranu, Haleh pronalazi ženu koja ju je izdala. Izdajica, sada i sama voljena majka je tek stigla u Holandiju, ne prepoznaje Haleh i veruje joj kao starijoj i mudriji zemljakinji. Dok Haleh smišlja svoju osvetu, ona upoznaje počinioca bolje nego što bi želela. Film je osvojio nagradu Eurimages za razvoj koprodukcije (CineMart).

Petak, 22. septembar 2023.

• 17.00… My Grandfather’s Demons / Os demónios do meu avô Portugalija, Španija, Francuska; 2022 (83′), animirani film R: Nuno Beato Rosa je uspešna dizajnerka koja živi u velikom gradu. Nakon neočekivane smrti njenog dede, shvata da se, otkako je napustila svoju domovinu, nije osećala povezanom ili voljenom, te se vraća u svoje rodno selo, na granici između severne Portugalije i španske Galicije.

• 20.00… Ramona Španija; 2022 (80′), komedija R: Andrea Bagney Kada Ramona upozna harizmatičnog Bruna u jednoj od svojih šetnji gradom, ne pada joj na pamet da sledećeg dana može ponovo da ga sretne. Hoće li nevini flert stati na put njenim snovima o karijeri i savršeno dobrom odnosu koji ima sa svojim dečkom? Osvežavajuća romantična komedija koja postavlja scenu za večnu svađu između razuma i osećajnosti.

Subota, 23. septembar 2023.

• 20.00… Runner / Trkač / Bėgikė Litvanija, Češka; 2021, drama R: Andrius Blazevicius Marija (27) je u grozničavoj potrazi za svojim dečkom koji je nestao tokom njegove poslednje psihotične epizode. Naoružana strpljenjem i ljubavlju, ona sledi nasumične tragove kroz grad. Priča o požrtvovanju i postizanju potpune slobode…

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Europian FIlm Festival
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