19th Magnificent Seven Festival

The Seven Magnificent Film Festival, the nineteenth review of modern documentary film, will be organized at the MTS Hall from September 11 to 17, 2023. According to tradition, seven works of the latest production will be presented. This year's edition of the festival opens with the work of one of the most important European authors, Robert Kirchhoff. The film, which owes its title to the famous line from the "Ode to Joy", now the anthem of the European Union - "All men will be brothers" - is a journey that begins in the Kyrgyz steppe. The film covers three different eras, and the consequences extend to the present day. The author of the film with the unusual title "Hauschwitz" is Uke Hogendijk. It is the story of the author's charismatic, witty and surprisingly dynamic mother, told in the manner of black comedies and independently produced author's films, filmed in large part with an internet camera. The very personal story of a woman trapped by agoraphobia reveals, in a deeply moving way, how immeasurably long the suffering of surviving Holocaust victims continues. The festival management will also present the work of the great British documentary filmmaker, Christopher Morris. His film "A Year in the Field", from the area of Cornwall in the very south of England, is an equally surprising, enchanting and brave act of art through which the author questions the state of the modern world and our position in it. The well-coordinated directorial tandem of Melanie Liebheit and Gereon Wetzel are the authors of the film "She Chef", whose title reveals its theme. The main character is the winner of the world cooking competition. She takes us on an exciting journey through some of the top kitchens of elite European restaurants trying to discover her own place in that world of strict rules and hierarchy. The film's surprising twist creates an almost surreal finale. Dane Michael Graversen brings "Mr. Graversen", seemingly one of the usual precisely constructed, attractive, witty-dramatic family stories, with a charismatic father and a wonderfully empathetic mother. Another Danish author is Carl Olson. "Winter Saga" was created as a film transposition in the Nordic world of the popular song of the same name from the sixties, which became a kind of melancholic winter anthem of Sweden. This is a documentary fresco that takes us through the most diverse spaces and countless variations of the state of deep winter melancholy. Finally, the documentary of the young Serbian director and Swiss officer Luka Popadić - "My Swiss Army" was chosen to close the festival. It is a personal, but also surprising and humorous story about Switzerland as we do not know it, a film that reveals that in the land of chocolate, cheese and banks, 150,000 people keep military equipment and weapons in their closets, but more than anything, it will try to show how modern it is Switzerland and who are all Swiss. The guests of the festival will be the traditional selector Tue Steen Miller, a Dane who loves documentaries and Belgrade, and the authors of almost all films. Tickets for all screenings can be purchased at the ticket office of the MTS hall at a price of 500 dinars.

Seven magnificent 2023 - program
MTS Hall

Monday, September 11, 2023
All people will be brothers... 20.00

Tuesday, September 12, 2023
She Chef... 20.00

Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Housewitz... 19.00

Thursday, September 14, 2023
Mr. Graversen... 20.00

Friday, September 15, 2023
Winter saga... 20.00

Saturday, September 16, 2023
A year in the field... 20.00

Sunday, September 17, 2023
My Swiss Army... 20.00

Filmski festival Sedam veličanstvenih, devetnaesti pregled modernog dokumentarnog filma, biće organizovan u MTS dvorani od 11. od 17. septembra 2023. Po tradiciji, biće predstavljeno sedam ostvarenja najnovije produkcije. Ovogodišnje izdanje festivala otvara ostvarenje jednog od najznačajnijih evropskih autora, Roberta Kirhofa. Film, koji svoj naslov duguje čuvenom stihu iz „Ode radosti“, sada himne Evropske unije – „Svi će ljudi braća biti“ – putovanje je koje započinje u kirgistanskoj stepi. Film obuhvata tri različite epohe, a konsekvence sežu do današnjeg trenutka. Autorka filma neobičnog naslova „Haušvic“ je Uke Hogendejk. To je priča o harizmatičnoj, duhovitoj i iznenađuluće dinamičnoj majci autorke ispričana u maniru crnih komedija i autorskih filmova nezavisne produkcije, snimljena velikim delom internet kamerom. Veoma lična priča o ženi zarobljenoj agorafobijom otkriva, na duboko potresan način, koliko nemerljivo dugo traje stradanje preživelih žrtava holokausta. Direkcija festivala će predstaviti i rad velikog britanskog dokumentariste, Kristofera Morisa. Njegov film „Godina u polju„, iz prostora Kornvola sa samog juga Engleske, je podjednako iznenađujući, očaravajući i hrabar umetnički čin kojim autor preispituje stanje savremenog sveta i našu poziciju u njemu. Uigrani rediteljski tandem Melani Libhajt i Gereon Vecel autori su filma „She Chef„, čiji naslov otkriva njegovu tematiku. Glavna junakinja je pobednica svetskog takmičenja u kuvanju. Ona nas vodi na uzbudljivo putovanje kroz neke od vrhunskih kuhinja elitnih evropskih restorana pokušavajući da otkrije sopstveno mestu u tom svetu strogih pravila i hijerarhije. Film iznenađujućeg obrta stvara gotovo nadrealno finale. Danac Mihael Graversen donosi „Gospodina Graversena„, naizgled jednu od uobičajenih precizno konstruisanih, privlačnih, duhovito-dramatičnih porodičnih priča, sa harizmatičnim ocem i divnom empatičnom majkom. Drugi danski autor je Karl Olson. „Zimska saga“ nastala je kao filmska transpozicija u nordijskom svetu popularne istoimene pesme iz šezdesetih, koja je postala neka vrsta melanholične zimske himne Švedske. Ovo je dokumentaristička freska koja nas vodi kroz najrazličitije prostore i nebrojene varijacije stanja duboke zimske melanholije. Najzad, za zatvaranje festivala izabran je dokumentarac mladog srpskog reditelja i švajcarskog oficira Luke Popadića – „Moja švajcarska vojska„. To je lična, ali i iznenađujuća i duhovita priča o Švajcarskoj kakvu ne poznajemo, film koji otkriva da u zemlji čokolada, sira i banaka 150.000 ljudi u svojim ormanima drži vojnu opremu i oružje, ali još više od svega, pokušaće da pokaže kakva je savremena Švajcarska i ko su sve Švajcarci. Gosti festivala biće tradicionalno selektor Tue Stin Miler, Danac koji obožava dokumentarce i Beograd, i autori skoro svih filmova. Karte za sve projekcije mogu se kupiti na biletarnici MTS dvorane po ceni od 500 dinara.

Sedam veličanstvenih 2023 – program
MTS dvorana

Ponedeljak, 11. septembar 2023.
Svi će ljudi braća biti… 20.00

Utorak, 12. septembar 2023.
She Chef… 20.00

Sreda, 13. septembar 2023.
Housewitz… 19.00

Četvrtak, 14. septembar 2023.
Gospodin Graversen… 20.00

Petak, 15. septembar 2023.
Zimska saga… 20.00

Subota, 16. septembar 2023.
Godina u polju… 20.00

Nedelja, 17. septembar 2023.
Moja švajcarska vojska… 20.00

see location here : link

19th Magnificent Seven Festival
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